
How Do Psychiatric Medications Interact with MDMA or Psilocybin?

Dr.’s Aryan Sarparast, Chris Stauffer, Kelan Thomas, and Benjamin Malcolm, recently published the first systematic review of drug interactions between psychiatric medications and psychedelics: “Drug-drug interactions between psychiatric medications and MDMA or psilocybin: A systematic review.” In this article, the authors offer a synopsis of their systematic review.
DMT Experience

The DMT Experience, The Human Brain & The Science of Consciousness

  The incredible states of consciousness that emerge when people consume the psychedelic molecule DMT are characterized by a multiplicity of features. DMT is able...
the psychoactive mushrooms of Mexico

The “Unsung History” of Psilocybin Research: Gastón Guzmán and His Scientific...

Mycologist Gastón Guzmán Huerta dedicated his life to discovering and researching mushrooms of the genus Psilocybe.

Remembering Dr. Jordi Riba, Ayahuasca Research Pioneer (1968–2020)

On August 14, 2020, the world bid farewell to scientific pioneer, Dr. Jordi Riba. The untimely death of the Catalan ayahuasca researcher has come...
ayahuasca and epigenetics

Ceremonial Ayahuasca in Amazonian Retreats: Mental Health and Epigenetic Outcomes From...

What is the connection between ayahuasca and epigenetics? In this study, the researchers explored whether ayahuasca could be used as a treatment for developmental trauma.
ibogaine ayahuasca treatment

What I Learned Treating 400+ Patients with Ibogaine and Ayahuasca

Since the middle of the 90s, there has been a renewed interest in the possible positive effects of many different plants and substances such...
How have perceptions of peyote and mescaline changed since Huxley used them in the 1950s?

Peyote/Mescaline’s Use in Huxley’s Psychedelic Era. Is It Different From Today?

In clinical literature, psilocybin, DMT, and MDMA receive a great deal of attention, but, as Ana Camacho shows, the same is not true for the peyote cactus and mescaline. This article looks back on the history of the psychedelic substance in Western science to understand why it is not as popular today as it was during the mid-twentieth century.

Could Synthetic Mescaline Protect Declining Peyote Populations?

The rise in popularity of peyote has unfortunately led to overharvesting which consequently poses a great risk for the future of the species. With the increasing need to protect peyote, synthetic mescaline may offer an alternative gateway into this experience that is bereft of issues regarding sustainability. This article summarizes the chemical composition and production of synthetic mescaline.

Toad Conservation

There is an alarming global decline in lncilus alvarius toad populations, the toads who secrete 5-MeO-DMT, because of multiple ecological reasons and the increased interest in toad ‘milking’ for psychedelic experiences. Anya Ermakova, Ph.D. educates the reader on the ecological impacts of these toad populations and provides alternative, synthetic options for psychonauts who would like to use 5-MeO-DMT.

Psychedelic Science Shies Away from Mysticism Without Losing Its Tenderness

The labeling of the psychedelic experience as ‘mystical’ may do little to improve public opinion about psychedelics, especially among those with traditional, conservative values. While it is no surprise that psychedelics can induce deep spiritual experiences, there is no scientific evidence that psychedelics can change one’s political or religious beliefs.