
Psychedelics and Blockchain: Two Technologies Key to Our Future

The future of psychedelics is intertwined with cryptocurrencies and blockchain. Each is a powerful technology. What happens when psychedelics and blockchain come together? Introducing Cryptocurrency...
This is how jurema, a DMT-containing tree, helped the Pankararé people recover their land in Brazil

This is How Jurema, a DMT-Containing Tree, Helped the Pankararé People...

The Amaro Science Festival (Festa da Ciência do Amaro), open to the general public since 1995, provides a window into Pankararé's culture. Participants take part in a ceremony that involves the consuming of a drink made from the jurema-preta root, which contains DMT.

Supporting Indigenous Autonomy Means Participating in a Story of Relationship

The Yanesha of Peru, along with other Amazonian groups, engage with cultural tourism in response to a global market that relentlessly reduces their choices. Greater Indigenous autonomy yields not only higher biodiversity, but also allows for community-led solutions to social, ecological, and economic problems. Supporting Indigenous autonomy involves stepping into a story of relationship, seeing the world as a society of beings instead of a collection of detached objects, and learning to listen when the forest speaks.

Toad Medicine: New Psychedelic Knowledge under Construction?

The increasing supply and consumption of the so-called “toad medicine” in various parts of the world has led to a series of claims without...

Coronavirus, Self-Isolation, and the Pragmatic Fatalism of Indigenous Peoples

We usually think about the medical systems of indigenous people in terms of plants, rituals, or shamanic chanting. But one very important health strategy...

The Misfortune of Right Wing Psychedelia in Brazil

In an anonymous letter, members of the Union of the Vegetal (UDV) have shown their dissatisfaction with the explicit support of certain masters at the top of the hierarchy of the UDV for the Bolsonaro government's denialist and anti-democratic policy, claiming that these practices are completely out of line with the teachings of Mestre Gabriel. Conservative demonstrations by the group's leaders are nothing new, but they began to gain public notoriety with the increase in political polarization in Brazil.

Iquitos, Capital of Ayahuasca, Struggles During COVID

The burgeoning expansion of ayahuasca around the globe has allowed for the evolution of an infinitely diverse array of ayahuasca practices and communities, spanning...

Ayahuasca Makes you See, and Tobacco Makes You Dream

https://youtu.be/kX9AMT9rEO0 “Last night, I saw my grandfather in a dream and he healed my hand.” Pitsipini’s hand had been swollen for days. Up to that...
Drinking Peyote

Racist Thinking Still Shapes How We Understand Peyote Drinking

Human beings have sought out the sensory experiences associated with psychedelic drugs for millennia. On every continent and in every setting, they have sought...
old uses for peyote in mexico

Old Uses of Peyote in Traditional Mexican Medicine and its Inclusion...

Starting with Mexico's first National Pharmacopeia in 1846, Nidia Olvera-Hernández traces the long history of peyote in Mexico. She shows how scientific studies throughout the twentieth-century eventually led to prohibition in 1971.