
How Set and Setting Shape Psychedelic Cultures

How much of what we think we know about the effects of psychedelics originates from their actual effects, and how much is the product...
Santo Daime Brazil - feitio ayahuasca ceremony

This is How Ayahuasca is Brewed at a Santo Daime Church...

At a Chacruna retreat in Brazil, Marcelo Leite and other team members took part in a feitio ayahuasca ritual at a Santo Daime church. Leite describes the steps of the ceremony and his experience.

Iquitos, Capital of Ayahuasca, Struggles During COVID

The burgeoning expansion of ayahuasca around the globe has allowed for the evolution of an infinitely diverse array of ayahuasca practices and communities, spanning...

Combining Psychedelics with Capitalism May Cause Unintended Side Effects

Some proponents of psychedelics are excited about their medicinal uses, some are excited about their potential to change culture, but most seem to be...

The Misfortune of Right Wing Psychedelia in Brazil

In an anonymous letter, members of the Union of the Vegetal (UDV) have shown their dissatisfaction with the explicit support of certain masters at the top of the hierarchy of the UDV for the Bolsonaro government's denialist and anti-democratic policy, claiming that these practices are completely out of line with the teachings of Mestre Gabriel. Conservative demonstrations by the group's leaders are nothing new, but they began to gain public notoriety with the increase in political polarization in Brazil.
Drinking Peyote

Racist Thinking Still Shapes How We Understand Peyote Drinking

Human beings have sought out the sensory experiences associated with psychedelic drugs for millennia. On every continent and in every setting, they have sought...
Maria Sabina

Undiscovering Huautla: City of the Magic Mushrooms

As far as the rest of the world is concerned, Huautla de Jimenez and the Sierra Mazateca were “discovered” in 1955, when the American...
Ayahuasca embrace serpent

Ayahuasca and the Gift of Seeing Through Serpent Eyes

One of the more spectacular cinematic productions this year is the film Embrace of the Serpent, directed by Colombian filmmaker Ciro Guerra. Nominated for...

COVID and the Future of Ayahuasca in Brazil

The burgeoning expansion of ayahuasca around the globe has allowed for the evolution of an infinitely diverse array of ayahuasca practices and communities, spanning...

Tracing the History of Marijuana in Mexico with Nidia Olvera Hernández

Jasmine Virdi interviews Nidia Olvera Hernández, a Mexican ethnohistorian, specializing in the history of psychoactive substances and drug poilices. In this article, Nida shares about some of her earlier research into the history of marijuana in Mexico, detailing cannabis’ arrival with Span-ish colonizers who intended to use the plant for industrial purposes, and how the conception of the plant shifted over time, eventually coming to be referred to as “marijuana” as opposed to “hemp.”