Gabor Mate Ayahuasca medicine

The Medicinal and Spiritual Powers of an Amazonian Brew

As a Western-trained doctor, I have long been aware of modern medicine’s limitations in handling chronic conditions of mind and body. For all our...

The Role of Mysticism in Psychedelic Trials

A Conversation with Rachael Petersen, Rita Powell and Joe Welker Wednesday, January 13th from 12-20pm PST REGISTER FOR THIS EVENT In contemporary psychedelic research, the concept of...

Shamanism and the Dynamics of Addiction

Why have addictions and the social problems of drug abuse become one of the greatest public health concerns confronting contemporary societies? One might suppose...
Cannabis Spirituality

Who Is Cannabis?

Homo sapiens, and all the Homo species that preceded us, or cohabited with us for a part of our history, are in fact far...
dmt hyperspace

The DMT Trip and the Mysteries of Hyperspace Travel

Known to produce profound changes in sensory perception, mood, and thought, DMT is commonly smoked using crystal vaporizing methods, or blended with other herbs,...