Chacruna Institute for Psychedelic Plant Medicines is a registered California 501(c)(3) non-profit organization (EIN 84-3076078). We are a community-oriented organization run by a small staff of experts and enthusiastic volunteers who work to bring education and cultural understanding about psychedelic plant medicines to a wider audience. We promote a bridge between the ceremonial use of sacred plants and psychedelic science and envisage a world where plant medicines and other psychedelics are preserved, protected, and valued as part of our cultural identity and integrated into our social, legal, and health care systems.
Help us to achieve our mission! From our beginnings in 2017, we have stood apart from other psychedelic education and advocacy organizations by pioneering initiatives that support and provide a platform for diverse voices, including women, queer people, people of color, Indigenous people, and the Global South. In efforts to address the lack of diverse representation in the expanding psychedelic landscape, we centered our mission around the empowerment of marginalized voices to foster cultural and political reflections on topics like race, gender, and sexuality in psychedelic science. We believe now more than ever, given the current social and political climate, our work is critical to the future of psychedelic healing for humanity.
Please become a member so that you are able to help Chacruna, yourself, and the world. Support of any amount helps this cause and allows us to provide psychedelic education to anyone who wants to access it.
To make a contribution on PayPal, click the button or point your phone at the QR code above.
Donate on Venmo here, or point your phone at the QR code above.
January 8th – March 25th 2024, 10:30am-12pm PST/1:30pm-3pm EST
Price $700 USD
Price $320 for CE creditsCE Credits Offered: 16 total
Scholarship Application
This course is a partnership...
January 9th – April 5th 2024, 10:30am-12pm PST/1:30pm-3pm EST
Price $950 USD
Price $480 for CE creditsCE Credits Offered: 24 total
Scholarship Application
In the midst of the current...
April 1st - July 8th 2024, 10:30am-12pm PST/1:30pm-3pm EST
Price $950
Price $480 for CE creditsCE Credits Offered: 24 total
Scholarship Application
This course will be taught by leading...
April 23rd – June 25th 2024, 10:30am-12pm PST/1pm-3pm EST
Price $700 USD
Price $320 for CE creditsCE Credits Offered: 16 total
Scholarship Application
This course will teach students the...
July 2nd – October 15th, 2024, 10:30am-12pm PDT/1pm-3pm EST
Price $1,100
Price $560 for CE creditsCE Credits Offered: 28 total
Scholarship Application
This course will be composed...
July 15th – September 23rd, 2024, 10:30am-12pm PDT/1pm-3pm EST
Price $700 USD
Price $320 for CE creditsCE Credits Offered: 16 total
Scholarship Application
Course Description
Psychedelics have encompassed a colorful...
September 30th - December 16th, 2024, 10:30am-12pm PDT/1pm-3pm EST
Price $700 USD
Price $320 for CE credits
Scholarship Application
Plant medicines often exist in two or more worlds...
August 28th - November 6th, 2023, 10:30am-12pm PDT/1pm-3pm EST
Price $ 650 USD
Price $280 for CE credits
Course Description
Psychedelics have encompassed a colorful history of the...
June 6th – August 1st 2023, 10am-12pm PST/1pm-3pm EST
Price $450 USD
Price $280 for CE credits
This course will teach students the science of psychedelic healing....
August 8th – November 21st 2023, 10:30am-12pm PDT/1pm-3pm EST
Price $1,100
Price $560 for CE credits
This course will be composed of a series of independent lectures...