ketamine therapy on zoom

Let’s Talk About Ketamine on Zoom: A Virtual Group

Ketamine is becoming a popular antidepressant, but how can those who use it retain its benefits and receive long-term depression support?

Love and Psychedelic Psychotherapy: Bridging the Divide

There is incredible potential for the psychedelic renaissance to rehabilitate and revitalize the concept of love in psychotherapy and in our culture more broadly. Studying the emergence of love in psychedelic-assisted psychotherapies, from medicine-induced experiences of love, to the importance of the felt sense of love between therapist and client, is a means of bridging the divide between the discourse of therapy and the experience of this powerful healing energy.

Expanded States of Consciousness for Healing and Growth

Through our healing process, expanded states can teach us to have compassion and love for the child who endured and invite our healthy, original...

Psychedelic Leadership Community Build at Psychedelic Liberty Summit

The psychedelic space is going through one of the most impressive and daunting growth spurts to date. New businesses, conferences, legislation, research, and therapy...

Children and Psychedelics: Using Indigenous Wisdom to Examine Western Paradigms

For Westerners, the topic of children and psychedelics is a near-untouchable one, mired in taboo and stigma. Many find the idea of allowing children...

Traveling Without Moving During COVID-19 Lockdown

Some people have been taking this time in isolation and the slowing down of day-to-day hustle and bustle to engage with psychedelic substances (LSD...

Expanded Access to the Art of Integration

As we create a world of expanded access to sacred medicine, we must also expand access to good integration support, which translates to a...

The Virus, Ayahuasca, Grief, and Hope

As the whole world grapples with coronavirus, I have the peculiar fate of being deep within the Peruvian Amazon. I’m an hour outside of...

Can Ketamine-Induced Near-Death Experiences Expedite Healing?

Since entering our current climate of shelter-in-place order and social distancing induced by the COVID-19 global pandemic, I have witnessed our unprepared health care...

Integration: The Upside of Coming Down – Debriefing, Disrupting & Dark...

Objectives for Integration A broad consensus now exists: effective integration is where the therapeutic action is. Otherwise, these openings, insights, and transmissions become nothing more...