
Ayahuasca Makes you See, and Tobacco Makes You Dream

https://youtu.be/kX9AMT9rEO0 “Last night, I saw my grandfather in a dream and he healed my hand.” Pitsipini’s hand had been swollen for days. Up to that...

Anonymous Letter to Conservative Masters of the UDV

This is an anonymous letter by members of the Union of the Vegetal (UDV) showing their dissatisfaction with the explicit support of certain masters at the top of the hierarchy of the UDV for the Bolsonaro government's denialist and anti-democratic policy, claiming that these practices are completely out of line with the teachings of Mestre Gabriel. Conservative demonstrations by the group's leaders are nothing new, but they began to gain public notoriety with the increase in political polarization in Brazil.

Smoking the Toad

With the sun going down over the Sonoran Desert, Andrew led me down a dusty trail toward a narrow draw that opened onto...

Coronavirus and Evolving Ceremonial Practice Among Ayahuasca Practitioners in the US

Jasmine Virdi explores how ayahuasca facilitators have adapted and changed their practices and ceremonial protocols to meet the challenges that have emerged as a result of the global coronavirus pandemic.
nectar of the blue goddess: consuming soma in west bengal india

Nectar of the Blue Goddess: Consuming Soma in Bengal, India

The question of what ingredients comprise the soma drink of Vedic myth has troubled scholars for centuries. Noting this history, Ian Baker uses this article to reveal a living tradition of Soma consumption in an ancient center of Tantric practice in West Bengal, India.
Cannabis treatment

How Cannabis and Other “Drugs” Can be Gateways to a Better...

“Proud to be drug free,” “Red Ribbon Week,” “Just Say No,” “Users are Losers”… there was no absence of anti-drug messaging surrounding my youth...

Humankind Crowned – Or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and...

To put it up front, this essay is not about relativization. I am sitting in my flat, trying to make ends meet between supervising...

How I Joined the Secret SSRI Circles of 1985

Through this narrative fictional account, Andrew Penn offers a literary image of underground pharmaceutical practice by telling the story of the SSRI circles of 1985 in New York City. He compares this with the growing popularity of psychedelics in the mainstream and excitement for clinical trials while at the same time underground practice still exists.
ecology psychedelics

Why Land and Ecology Matter for Global Psychedelics

Land and ecology matter to the global psychedelics movement because it is a movement born out of a long history of colonialism and land theft. The Indigenous peoples from which our psychedelic traditions originate continue to deal with the negative consequences of this colonial violence. Focusing on the Wixarika experience, Diana Negrin explores the intercultural work that needs to be done in order to help Indigenous communities thrive today.

Controversies Around the Toad Medicine

The booming consumption of 5-meo-DMT—the chemical extracted from the Bufo alvarius toad, endemic to the Sonoran desert—in the second decade of the twenty-first century...