Sonya Faber, Ph.D.
Power and Discrimination Chacruna Series

It’s About: Exploring the Heart of Activism

Unveiling the diverse motivations and narratives that drive individuals to action.

In 2020, amidst the fervor of #BlackLivesMatter (BLM), social media platforms flooded with black squares and hashtags, purportedly in solidarity. Yet, beneath the surface, the depth of this support remained obscured. Why do some actions echo with impact while others fade into the digital void?

In activism, every gesture, no matter how small, holds the power to ignite change and challenge injustice.

In a quest to unearth the essence of activism, researchers embarked on a journey into the hearts and minds of 359 undergraduates who felt the pulse of BLM. Their mission? To decipher the intricate web of motivations woven into the fabric of support.

Their findings uncovered a spectrum of engagement, ranging from intentional activism to passive gestures. Within this tapestry of responses, distinct patterns emerged, revealing the diverse shades of commitment to the cause. Some wielded their voices with intention, driven by a profound sense of solidarity and awareness of systemic injustices. Others, while sympathetic, remained on the periphery, their actions tinged with hesitation and uncertainty.

Resistance can present many complexities however voices united in solidarity, have the power to shape a more just and equitable future for all.

Yet, behind every action lies a story, a narrative that speaks volumes about the human spirit and its capacity for change. Using qualitative coding, researchers looked deeper, unraveling the threads of experience that shaped each individual’s journey. What emerged was a mosaic of voices, each bearing witness to the complexities of resistance in the face of oppression.

But beyond the surface lies a call to action, a rallying cry for change. Armed with insights into the motivations behind activism, this paper empowers readers to chart a new course—one defined by empathy, understanding, and a commitment to justice. For in the fight against injustice, every voice matters, every action counts.

In the end, the true measure of support for BLM lies in the depth of conviction to pave the way for a brighter tomorrow.

Note: This series highlights articles from the recently published special issue of Frontiers in Psychology, “Power, Discrimination, and Privilege in Individuals and Institutions,” edited by Sonya Faber, Monnica T. Williams, Matthew D. Skinta, and Bia Labate.

Vierra, Kristin, Barrita, Aldo, Wong-Padoongpatt, Gloria, & Robnett, Rachael D. (2023). Critical action to redress systemic oppression: a person-centered approach. Frontiers in Psychology 14.

Art by Karina Alvarez.

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