Toad Medicine: New Psychedelic Knowledge under Construction?
The increasing supply and consumption of the so-called “toad medicine” in various parts of the world has led to a series of claims without...
Capitalism on Psychedelics: The Mainstreaming of an Underground
Everyone gets worked up about a showdown, especially when the conflict involves colorful characters and positions you really care about. Like many attendees to...
In Defense of the Use of Sacred Plants in the Americas
Since their inception, international policies toward drugs have been characterized by being racist, classist, colonialist, and created by a Western elite that has failed...
Can Psilocybin Make People Feel More Empathy to Nature?
Introduction: The Problem We Are Facing in Today’s World
How can we reconnect humanity—mentally, emotionally, and spiritually—to the presently undergoing global ecocide (the destruction, or...
New Urban Practices Around Kambô
What is this substance, and what does this secretion of a frog—spread on a global scale and claimed to be able to heal an...
The Muká Diet of the Yawanawá Indigenous People in Acre, Brazil
If, in the recent past, the diet was exclusively for men of this ethnic group, since 2006, some Yawanawá women
The muká diet is considered...
Controversies Around the Toad Medicine
The booming consumption of 5-meo-DMT—the chemical extracted from the Bufo alvarius toad, endemic to the Sonoran desert—in the second decade of the twenty-first century...
Territory, Roots and Conflict: Epistemic Encounters on Sacred Plants
On Sunday, February 25, the closing ceremony for the Conference on Sacred Plants in the Americas was celebrated in the Mexican lakeside town of...
We Must Continue Calling the Cannabis Plant “Marijuana”
There are various hypotheses about the roots of the word “marijuana,” but it´s still uncertain what it really means, and when this name appeared...
Drinking Yagé to Resist Capitalist Violence
Ethnic groups in southern Colombia, such as the Siona, are using yagé (a local name for ayahuasca) to do politics in a context of...