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Chacruna has achieved tremendous success by playing a major role in the creation of the conference Plantas Sagradas en las Américas 2018, the largest conference on plant medicines and psychedelics in the history of Mexico, and one of the most diverse both in terms of indigenous representation and plant medicines included in the world.

Post-conference we got positive feedback from those in attendance, we really got the sense that this was a unique experience for many because it bridged psychedelic science, drug policy and traditional use of plant medicines. We strive to do more events in the coming future as well as support community groups who are adding to the growing discussions around sacred plants, psychedelics, and similar substances.

Ajijic, Jalisco Mexico Feb 2018

Plantas Sagradas en Las Americas

The Center for Research and Post Graduate Studies in Social Anthropology (CIESAS), Western headquarters; the Drugs, Politics and Culture Collective, and Chacruna have organized the international congress: Sacred Plants in the Americas, which will take place on February 23, 24 and 25, 2018 in Ajijic, Jalisco, Mexico. This conference takes place in order to generate a platform for reflection on the various uses of psychoactive plants throughout history and in different geographical areas, as well as their use and active compounds in multiple contexts; including scientific research, empirical experience, cultural manifestations and the ways in which the state has administered these practices.

Sacred Plants in the Americas tries to build a bridge between indigenous and traditional psychoactive practices, psychedelic science and drug policy; through multidisciplinary and intercultural dialogue. In a context in which drug policy reforms are temporary, we consider it relevant to build spaces for discussion about psychoactive species and their growing multiplicity of uses. Moreover, it also seeks to give voice to the indigenous who have been knowledgeable about psychoactive plants since ancient times, and they will be providing lectures at the Congress.

The event involves more than 160 speakers from numerous countries such as Canada, USA, Mexico, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Perú, Bolivia, Brasil, Argentina, Chile, Uruguay and various European countries. Twenty-three members of indigenous communities of 11 different ethnic groups, from different parts of the continent will also be attending including: Wixárika (Huichols), Mazatecs, O dam (Tepehuán people), Raramuri (tarahumara), Nahua, Camentsa, Inga, Shipibo, Huni Kuin (cashinahua), Shoshone-Bannock y Oglala Sioux.

During three days there will be almost 150 presentations on peyote, ayahuasca, coca, marijuana, poppy, San Pedro, Salvia divinorum, cocoa, tobacco, iboga and psilocybin mushrooms; as well as substances such as MDMA, DMT, 5-MeO-DMT, and other psychoactive species that have been little explored. They will be addressed from diverse fields of knowledge, including psychiatry, neuropharmacology, biology, ecology, traditional medicine, psychology, anthropology, history, archeology, philosophy, law, drug policy, activism, literature, film, and more.

Distinguished researchers and experts on sacred plants are attending the conference, among whom stand out Dr. Bia Labate (anthropologist visiting professor at CIESAS-Occidente and organizer of the event), Dr. Antonella Fagetti (anthropologist at the Benemérita Autonomous University of Puebla) Matsiwa de la Cruz Carrillo (mara’akame / wixarika shaman), Dawn D. Davis (member of the Shoshone-Bannock tribe and doctoral student at the University of Idaho), Sandor Iron Rope (member of the Oglala Sioux tribe and of the North American Native American Church), members of the Union of Physicians of the Colombian Amazon (UMIYAC), Marcela Otálora (psychologist and researcher at the Multidisciplinary Association of Psychedelic Studies – MAPS), Dr. Carlos Viesca (Faculty of Medicine, National Autonomous University of Mexico), Dr. Ricardo Pérez Montfort (historian of CIESAS), Dr. Richard Yensen (pioneer of transpersonal psychology), Ivonne Roquet (doctor and daughter of Salvador Roquet), and other outstanding students of plants and psychoactive substances.

Post on Drogas, Política y Cultura

Sacred Plants in the Americas Congress: A Multicolor Experience

Article on Reality Sandwich

Doing the Plant’s Bidding: Reflections on the Congreso de Plantas Sagradas en Las Américas

Plantas Sagradas en Las Américas Conference Videos | Ajijic, Mexico 2018

Plantas Sagradas en Las Américas Conference Videos | Ajijic, Mexico 2018

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