
Integration: The Upside of Coming Down

Part One – Overview Integration has ascended to quite a prominent position in the research and practices of what has recently come to be called...

Personal Healing with Ayahuasca Helped Me Be a Better Psychotherapist

Plant medicines can help us achieve a more integrated perspective on how we see ourselves and the world. This is an important goal that a therapist...

Ayahuasca, Depression and Me

Far along the path of life, I fell into a rare dark nine-month depression.  I say “rare” because, blessed with good brain chemistry, I...

Should Psychedelic Therapists Have First-hand Experience with Psychedelics?

Considering the clinical outcomes of researchers’ and clinicians’ personal relationships with psychedelic compounds Self-experimentation with psychedelic compounds by researchers and therapists played an important and largely...

A Clinical Psychologist’s First Experience with Ayahuasca

A colleague and friend referred a shaman to my private practice. We did brief and very focused work in one area of distress. As our...

Ayahuasca and Dreaming

A crocodile, a pioneering rock band, and a Ryan Gosling film? As a psychotherapist working in New York City with patients who use ayahuasca, I am regularly...

Ayahuasca and the Twelve Steps: An Anonymous Friendship

Heroin needle marks on my neck, benzodiazepines with alcohol in the mornings, and frequent crack-cocaine binges; that was my life for well over 20 years. I...

Building a Psychedelic Community During the War on Drugs

I moved to Minneapolis from San Francisco in October of 2017 to plant a psychedelic seed in the middle of our country. I also moved here...

The Five Phases of Psychedelic Initiation

I’ve had a long-standing relationship with psychedelics, stemming from my exploratory days in high school and college to a spiritual transformation during a fateful trip to...

Embodied Healing: A Personal Perspective on Resolving Trauma with Psychedelics

Very few of us are ever lucky enough to be able to look back on our lives and know the moment that everything changed...