Soma and the Sacred Feminine: Reflections from Ancient Indian Myth
Soma, Vedic God of Plants, and soma, the ancient psychedelic drink made from an unknown plant, both represent the sacred feminine.
Jane Osmond: The Wonder of Weyburn
Married to Humphry Osmond, Jane Osmond developed networks of care and friendship that supported the development of psychedelic science.
Betty Eisner: Heroine with a Hitch?
Betty Eisner was a major force in the psychedelic revolution, but her career was also defined by notable professional transgressions.
Gurus Behaving Badly: Anaïs Nin’s Diary & the Value of Gossip
Anaïs Nin wrote about Timothy Leary in her diary. She didn't like him. But what does this have to do with expertise and American politics?
Better Living Through Chemistry
Connie Littlefield discusses her new documentary, "Better Living Through Chemistry," about psychedelic pioneers Alexander "Sasha" & Ann Shulgin.
Celebrating 25 Weeks of ‘Women in the History of Psychedelic Plant...
Look back on the first 25 weeks of our "Women in the History of Psychedelic Plant Medicines" series and learn how to become a contributor to the series.
Mescaline Scribe
Simone de Beauvoir read and edited everything Jean-Paul Sartre published, and wrote a valuable account of his mescaline encounter.
Marlene Dobkin de Rios: A Case for Complex Histories of Women...
Ayahuasca’s place in mestizo and Indigenous Peruvian healing practices featured extensively in Marlene Dobkin de Rios’ work as a medical anthropologist and transcultural psychotherapist.
“A ‘Dose’ of Radical Christianity”: Psychedelic Therapy with Dr. Florence Nichols
Florence Nichols was a Canadian missionary and pioneer of psychedelic therapy, using LSD to treat mental illness on three different continents.
Ergot in Canada: A Lost Tradition?
In the second half of the 20th century, farmers on the Canadian prairies produced ergot (Claviceps purpurea) for use in the pharmacological industry. But...