Now Enrolling: Chacruna's Diversity, Culture and Social Justice in Psychedelics

Press Release – Now Enrolling: Chacruna’s Diversity, Culture and Social Justice...

Chacruna Institute for Psychedelic Plant Medicines, in partnership with the University of Ottawa, School of Psychology, is offering a spring course, Diversity, Culture and Social Justice in Psychedelics, part of its Psychedelic Justice Curriculum. Over nine sessions beginning February 6, participants will gain a deep understanding of historical context, contemporary topics, and future opportunities within the psychedelic world.
Ayahuasca rights in Spain and broader Europe

Press Release – Chacruna Stands in Solidarity with Ayahuasca Groups in...

Chacruna Institute for Psychedelic Plant Medicines has published a new article, “A Call for Public Support Against the Current Demonization of Ayahuasca Practices in Spain,” standing in solidarity with 110 thought leaders around the world in support of ayahuasca groups in Spain, as well as Europe in general. Together, they call for a serious discussion and the reconsideration of ayahuasca’s status in Spain, where its use has been increasingly repressed, and they urge authorities to respect the religious freedoms of ayahuasca groups.

Press Release – Chacruna Launches New Psychedelic Science Course

Join leading psychedelic researchers and experts for a 16-week, live, virtual course, "Critical Perspectives on Knowledge Production in Psychedelic Science." Enjoy graduate-level education for a fraction of the price.

Press Release – Chacruna Institute Celebrates a Groundbreaking New Collection

Women and Psychedelics: Uncovering Invisible Voices Women and Psychedelics centers women in the psychedelic movement The Chacruna Institute announces the publication of Women and Psychedelics:...

Press Release – Chacruna Institute’s Studies in Psychedelic Justice Provide Critical...

Chacruna Institute will be offering three new courses and a workshop which will focus on perspectives such as the Indigenous, scientific, and social justice aspects of psychedelics and sacred plants. This collection of courses and a workshop are the cumulative result of expertise and many years of discussions curated by the Chacruna team.

Press Release – Chacruna Institute’s Religion and Psychedelics Forum Recenters Psychedelics’...

Featuring 70 speakers – including Indigenous leaders from the Americas, neuroscientists, religious thought leaders, award-winning authors, activists, poets, and many others – illuminating vital...

Press Release – Chacruna Institute promotes its second workshop on implicit...

On Mon, December 13, 2021, the Chacruna Institute for Psychedelic Plant Medicines will be hosting an interactive workshop “Implicit Bias, Therapy, and Psychedelics: Reducing...

Press Release – Chacruna Institute Releases its Guide to RFRA and...

Chacruna Institute announces the release of its comprehensive Guide to RFRA and Best Practices for Psychedelic Plant Medicines Churches. This guide offers free education and resources to the public on the Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA) and ways in which various psychedelic plant medicine church practices may or may not supported by this law in the United States.

Press Release – Chacruna Institute’s Patenting the Sacred Series: Critical Dialogues...

Chacruna Institute's Patenting the Sacred series is related to Chacruna’s Indigenous Reciprocity Initiative of the Americas, and aims to educate and promote critical thinking in the field of psychedelics by bringing together experts in intellectual property, law, medicine, anthropology, sacred plants, and Indigenous worldview to deepen public discourse on critical issues that impact all of us inside the psychedelic renaissance. The next forum is titled “Indigenous Worldview, Property, and Extractivism in the Psychedelic Renaissance" and will stream on October 27th.

Press Release – Chacruna Institute Publishes New Book on Ayahuasca Healing...

The Chacruna Institute for Psychedelic Plant Medicines published their book, Ayahuasca Healing and Science, edited by Beatriz (Bia) Labate, Ph.D., and Clancy Cavnar, Psy.D. The book provides...