Yaminawa Women

Yaminawa Women and Ayahuasca: Shamanism, Gender, and History in the Peruvian...

There is evidence that suggests that before colonial contact, Yaminawa women practiced shamanism and consumed ayahuasca.

Madrinha Rita: Brazilian matriarch of ayahuasca

This article highlights the story of Madrinha (Godmother) Rita Gregório, a woman who has made a great difference in the religious use of ayahuasca in Brazil and in the expansion of its consumption outside the Santo Daime religion.
Mercedes de la Garza

Dream and Ecstasy in Mesoamerican Worldview: An Interview with Mercedes de...

Mercedes de la Garza is a recognized researcher on shamanism & the ritual uses of plants and mushrooms with psychoactive properties.

Treasures of the Forest: Jarawara Women and Plants They Carry

The care taken with the tobacco plants by Jarawara women is impressive, and it extends throughout the entire process of making sinã.
Esther Jean Langdon researches shamanism and ayahuasca

Esther Jean Langdon: Half a Century of Research About Shamanism and...

In her writings, Esther Jean Langdon proposes to approach shamanism as a cosmological system.
Psychedelic Future Site

Preparing Ourselves for the Psychedelic Future with Berra Yazar-Klosinski

Berra Yazar-Klosinski, Chief Science Officer at the MAPS Public Benefit Corporation, reflects on her journey into psychedelic science.
Green alphabet words representing the study of ecology

Stewarding Psychedelic and Ecological Biospheric Wisdom with Deborah Parrish Snyder

In this interview, Deborah Parrish Snyder of Synergetic Press, shares the history of her work with the Institute of Ecotechnics.
Wilma Mahua Campos has been learning the skills of ayahuasca healing since she was a young girl.

Wilma Mahua Campos, Shipibo Ayahuasquera

Since a young age, Wilma Mahua Campos has been dedicated to learning about her Shipibo culture's medicine, including the use of ayahuasca.
Amy Emerson is one of the women working behind the scenes in psychedelic medicine

Women Behind the Scenes in Psychedelic Science: Making MDMA a Legal...

Amy Emerson recounts how she first became involved in the work of psychedelic science and her efforts to legalize MDMA-assisted therapy.
Kathleen Harrison, a psychedelic woman, represented with a black silhouette with flowers pouring from behind it against an orange background

Kathleen Harrison: Wisdom, Endurance, and Hope – Reflections from a Psychedelic...

What do our current movements lack that the psychedelic movement of the 1960s and '70s had? Kathleen Harrison says its hope.