
Psychedelic Science Shies Away from Mysticism Without Losing Its Tenderness

The labeling of the psychedelic experience as ‘mystical’ may do little to improve public opinion about psychedelics, especially among those with traditional, conservative values. While it is no surprise that psychedelics can induce deep spiritual experiences, there is no scientific evidence that psychedelics can change one’s political or religious beliefs.

Psilocybin Group Therapy Promising for Demoralized AIDS Survivors

Kelan Thomas writes about a new psilocybin group therapy clinical trial for demoralized AIDS survivors that was recently published by Chacruna board member Dr. Brian Anderson.

Remembering Dr. Jordi Riba, Ayahuasca Research Pioneer (1968–2020)

On August 14, 2020, the world bid farewell to scientific pioneer, Dr. Jordi Riba. The untimely death of the Catalan ayahuasca researcher has come...

Why Chronic Microdosing Might Break Your Heart

While there has been very promising evidence of safety and effectiveness for psychedelics after a few acute macrodoses in clinical trials, the risks and...

How Many Ayahuasca Drinkers Are There in Brazil?

As a Brazilian ayahuasca scholar, I am frequently asked about the number of ayahuasca drinkers in my country. This is a tricky question, since...

Fake News About Ayahuasca’s Archeological Antiquity

In recent years, a small group of researchers from different disciplines, including myself, has been highlighting a set of data that, not only does not confirm...

The 40 Best Books About Shamanism and Plant Medicines

In 2017 Chacruna was invited to make a selection of ‘state of the art’ social science references on ayahuasca and other plant medicines. We...

The Urgent Need to Review the Botanical Classification of the Ayahuasca...

In contrast to the great amount of both scientific and popular literature that is available on a vast number of topics nowadays, there seems...

Using Cannabis to Treat the Effects of Trauma

We are all impacted by experiencing or witnessing traumatic events such as violence, accidents, and the death of loved ones. As we struggle to...

Do Psychedelics Have the Power to Change Minds?

Clinical trials of MDMA, psilocybin, ketamine, and ayahuasca are offering a glimpse that the future may hold psychiatric treatments far different from daily drug...